ICT in a different culture


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Welkom bij ICT in a Different Culture

kaart_zafrikaWelkom op de website van ‘ICT in a different culture’.

Ook dit jaar weer is er een studiereis in de planning voor het mastervak 'ICT in a different culture'.

Voorgaande jaren hebben wij Oeganda [2006] en india [2007] bezocht. Ditmaal gaan wij ICT bekijken in een andere context in Zuid-Afrika. De bedoeling en opzet van de studiereis is zodanig dat studenten die Informatica of informatiekunde studeren de mogelijkheid krijgen om internationale ervaring op te doen die is gerelateerd aan hun theoretische opleiding.

*English translation*

Welcome to the website 'ICT in a different culture'

As the previous two years also this year a studytour for our Mastercourse 'ICT in a different culture' is planned.
The first year 'Uganda' was the target country and last year it was India.
Goals and mission of this study tour are to study ICT in a totally different environment and context then what students are used to. It will require a lot of creativity, understanding, flexibility and insight to cope with the challanges encountered to study and work on a project in another culture.
For Information and Computer Science students it will give a wonderful opportunity to gain some relevant international experiences related to our their theoretical study.