23.04. – Sunny(?) sunday

Guess what? Buying tickets for the Kremlin online is just horrible. It’s the most complicated process that involves security emails, captchas and a time limit to top it all off. We left around noon for the Kremlin, with our hard earned e-tickets. We were joined by Sonja, our Russian guide for the day. On our way, we again stopped by the Saint Basil’s church to take some pictures in the better weather.

Since we paid close attention to the tour yesterday, we knew exactly where the entrance was. We didn’t really know what to expect, but what we saw upon going through the gate definitely wasn’t. The buildings on the other side were unreal. There was actually a lot of open space, cradled by many gold-topped churches.


After taking a lot of pictures, while almost having our phones and cameras blown out of our hands by the strong, freezing gusts of wind, we visited the Armory. It’s a sort of museum within the Kremlin walls, which houses a large collection of valuables and an even larger collection of more or less interesting information in the form of an audio tour. After an hour of facts about who gave what golden dish to whom, we left the Armory again. With our stomachs filled to the brim, some of us decided to go shopping, while others just went back to the hotel. And where else to go for some drinks and a late night snack, than the KFC? We had a great time.



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