Study Trip Indonesia 2015

Thursday, 7 May

Another telecom company during today’s visit XL Axiata, or simply XL. XL arranged for us three of their security experts. It is like a knowledge jackpot for the security reseach group and quite interesting for the others as well. We learned that many Indonesians do not own a bank account. XL provides a service to pay using their phones, making products more accessible.

The afternoon was filled by a visit to Bukalapak ( This company creates an amazing site with the same name which is similar to Aliexpress, but targeted at the Indonesian market. We’ve got to see most of the 110 employees work. This company is growing extremely fast. After taking a quick look at the site, I’m also buying! It looks great, has a large sellers community and provides affordable products.

At night we had the honour to be invited to a traditional Indonesian household. The family arranged an extensive dinner and everybody seemed to enjoy! It was a wonderful evening.


Dinner at Didi’s Home